At Gospel Center, being engaged in a small group is an integral way to become more connected to others. 

There are a variety of small group options. If you attend Gospel Center and are interested in learning more about small groups, 

fill out the Connect Form and let us know! 

Connect Form 


For our current small groups, we ask that attendance is reported each time you meet. 


Sermon questions for Small Groups

Below are discussion questions for each sermon.  These questions are meant to be more discussion and application oriented for small groups.  Please attend Sunday School for more in-depth Bible teaching.  Feel free to pick and choose the questions that will work best for your group.

  • Sunday, Jan 19, 2025 / Genesis 2:4-25

    Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

    • Warm Up:  Have you ever been charged with taking care of someone else's property or possessions?
    • Discuss:  How does God make man and woman in chapter 2?  As our Creator, is it fair to say that He is our "owner"?  What does it mean to be a steward?
    • Discuss:  Genesis 2:18 says that something is "not good."  How many times in chapter 1 is creation described as "good"?  How can something be "not good" in the perfect Garden of Eden?
    • Discuss:  Is it significant that Eve is made from Adam's side/rib?
    • Apply:  What are practical ways that we "steward" our bodies faithfully?
    • Discuss:  Sunday's sermon was focused on the sanctity of human life.  How does being a "steward of our bodies" apply to the sanctity of human life?
    • Apply:  How can Christians be a voice for life?
  • Sunday, Jan 12, 2025 / Matthew 8:1-17

    • Warm Up:  Have you ever ignored a "Keep Out" or "No Trespassing" sign?
    • Study:  State in your own words, the three miracles of Jesus in this passage and the three boundaries that Jesus crosses to perform them.  Or, use storying:  Have three people tell the three different miracle stories from memory.  After they share, let the group correct any mistakes and insert any missed details.
    • Discuss:  Which boundary (purity, ethnicity, or gender) do you think would have been the most surprising to the Jews of Jesus' day?
    • Explain Jesus' command to the healed leper in verse 4.
    • What does the centurion understand about Jesus in verses 8 and 9?
    • What are three things we can learn from verses 10-12?
    • Are there any boundaries between people groups today that Christians need to cross for the sake of the Kingdom, or are we past those days?
    • Is there a person in your life that God has wanted you to "touch" for the sake of the Kingdom?  What step could you take this week?
  • Sunday, jan 5, 2024 / Psalm 119:9-16

    • Warm up: How did you engage with scripture in 2024? (What was meaningful? What wasn't?) 
    • Read Psalm 119:9-16. How does the Psalmist view God's word? How does his engagement with it affect his life? (example: v.11, keeping him from sin) 
    • The psalmist says, "I have stored up your word in my heart" (v.11) and reiterates "I will not forget your word" in verse 18.  Besides regular reading of God's word, memorization should also be priority in our lives. How can we better memorize scripture this year?   
    • Apply: How will you commit to engaging with God's word in 2025? 
  • Sunday, dec 15, 2024 / kid's christmas program

    • Warm Up: What is your favorite Christmas song or movie that alludes to or speaks of the gospel?
    • Read the following passages: Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9-10. What do each tell us about the Gospel Message? (Reality of our sin, which leads to death, and God's love, which we can receive by faith, and experience life)
    • Apply: How will your family celebrate the Gospel this Christmas? 
  • sunday, dec 1, 2024 / Luke 2:10

    • What is your favorite way to Celebrate on Christmas?
    • What is the significance of the angel’s message being for you, personally
    • What is the Good News?
    • Why should this Good News generate Great Joy in us?
    • If this Good News is Universal, for all people, what is our responsibility to share it? How do you share this Good News in your Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth?