At Gospel Center, being engaged in a small group is an integral way to become more connected to others. 

There are a variety of small group options. If you attend Gospel Center and are interested in learning more about small groups, 

fill out the Connect Form and let us know! 

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For our current small groups, we ask that attendance is reported each time you meet. 


Sermon questions for Small Groups

Below are discussion questions for each sermon.  These questions are meant to be more discussion and application oriented for small groups.  Please attend Sunday School for more in-depth Bible teaching.  Feel free to pick and choose the questions that will work best for your group.

  • Sunday, Feb 23, 2025 / Matthew 9:18-34

    • Warm Up:  How are you most apt to communicate with someone: face-to-face, phone call, text, or social media message?
    • Study:  How does each person in this passage demonstrate desperation?
    • Study:  How does each person in this passage demonstrate faith?
    • Study:  How does Jesus demonstrate his compassion and power to each?
    • Study:  Jesus says, "Your faith has healed you." (vs. 22)  Does this mean that faith is the source of healing?  That anyone with faith will be healed?  That those who are not healed lack faith?  What is the relationship of faith to healing?
    • Study:  Jesus calls death - sleep (vs. 24).  Why?
    • Application:  How would Jesus want you to demonstrate his compassionate touch this week?
  • Sunday, Feb 16, 2025 / Matthew 9:14-17

    • Warm-up:  Do you gravitate to the "tried and true" or the "new and innovative"?
    • Discuss:  Should Christians today practice fasting, or is Jesus doing away with fasting?
    • Discuss:  How is verse 15 answering John's disciples' questions in verse 14?  What does Jesus' answer mean in verse 15?
    • Discuss:  Do verses 16 and 17 apply directly to fasting, or are they broader in scope?  If fasting, what do they mean in particular?  If broader in scope, what are they addressing?
    • Discuss:  The word "new" is used multiple times in the passage.  What does it mean to say that God is the God of the new?
    • Apply:  How can churches be like old wineskins?
    • Apply:  How can one's Christian life become an old wineskin?
    • Apply:  What is one step a person can take to becoming more receptive to God's new work?
  • Sunday, Feb 9, 2025 / Matthew 9:9-13

    • Warm Up:  Have you ever found yourself in a group where you thought, "I don't belong," or "these people are different than me"?
    • Study:  Why would Jesus describe sinners and tax collectors as "sick"?
    • Study:  What does it mean to "desire mercy, not sacrifice"?
    • Study:  Are the Pharisees the "healthy" and "righteous" ones?
    • Study:  In light of this passage, what does it mean to "call" someone?
    • Apply:  Who are you seeking to call to follow Jesus?
  • Sunday, Feb 2, 2025 / Matthew 8:23-9:8

    • Warm-up:  As a child, what were you afraid of?
    • Discuss:  How could Jesus sleep through such a bad storm? vs. 24
    • Discuss:  Before Jesus calms the storm, He rebukes the disciples' lack of faith.  How do they lack faith?
    • Discuss:  Have you ever experienced the demonic?
    • Discuss:  How many words does it take Jesus to drive out the demons?  Why is this significant?
    • Discuss:  Why does Jesus forgive the man's sins before healing the man's legs?
    • Discuss:  Which is easier: to say, "Your sins are forgiven," or to say, "Get up and walk"?
    • Discuss:  Which of the three accounts most impresses you?
    • Apply:  Where in your life do you need to move from fear and failure to faith in the authority of Jesus?
  • Sunday, Jan 26, 2025 / Matthew 8:18-22

    • Warm-up:  Have you ever purchased a car that cost you more in repairs than you ever dreamed?  Or maybe you can think of something else that costs you more than you expected to own?
    • Discuss:  What does Jesus' statement, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head," mean?
    • Discuss:  How can Jesus be opposed to someone burying their father, especially when we are commanded to "honor our father and mother"?
    • Discuss:  What is the difference between the first "would-be-disciple" and the second "would-be-disciple"?
    • Discuss:  How can we rightly discern if we are paying the price to follow Jesus or just riding the bandwagon - so to speak?
    • Apply:  What would it look like for you to follow Jesus this week at home or work?
  • Sunday, Jan 19, 2025 / Genesis 2:4-25

    Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

    • Warm Up:  Have you ever been charged with taking care of someone else's property or possessions?
    • Discuss:  How does God make man and woman in chapter 2?  As our Creator, is it fair to say that He is our "owner"?  What does it mean to be a steward?
    • Discuss:  Genesis 2:18 says that something is "not good."  How many times in chapter 1 is creation described as "good"?  How can something be "not good" in the perfect Garden of Eden?
    • Discuss:  Is it significant that Eve is made from Adam's side/rib?
    • Apply:  What are practical ways that we "steward" our bodies faithfully?
    • Discuss:  Sunday's sermon was focused on the sanctity of human life.  How does being a "steward of our bodies" apply to the sanctity of human life?
    • Apply:  How can Christians be a voice for life?
  • Sunday, Jan 12, 2025 / Matthew 8:1-17

    • Warm Up:  Have you ever ignored a "Keep Out" or "No Trespassing" sign?
    • Study:  State in your own words, the three miracles of Jesus in this passage and the three boundaries that Jesus crosses to perform them.  Or, use storying:  Have three people tell the three different miracle stories from memory.  After they share, let the group correct any mistakes and insert any missed details.
    • Discuss:  Which boundary (purity, ethnicity, or gender) do you think would have been the most surprising to the Jews of Jesus' day?
    • Explain Jesus' command to the healed leper in verse 4.
    • What does the centurion understand about Jesus in verses 8 and 9?
    • What are three things we can learn from verses 10-12?
    • Are there any boundaries between people groups today that Christians need to cross for the sake of the Kingdom, or are we past those days?
    • Is there a person in your life that God has wanted you to "touch" for the sake of the Kingdom?  What step could you take this week?