Weekly Schedule


8:30 AM - Prayer Time

9:00 AM - Sunday School

10:15 AM - Worship Service (Online and In-person)



11:00 AM - Prayer Meeting

6:30 PM - GC Kids' Camps & Youth Group

Volunteer Appreciation

Thank you volunteers! We will have a few special things planned for Sunday, March 9 as we celebrate and appreciate our many volunteers!

Daylight Savings Time Begins

Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 9 when Daylight Savings Time begins! Time will “spring ahead” allowing us to enjoy the daylight longer.

Youth & Young at Heart Event

Our Youth and our Young at Heart (55+) will be having a joint dinner and game night on Friday, March 14. The event begins at 5:30 PM with a Baked Potato Bar, and will be followed by a game time together. Once the joint game time is over, youth will stay at the church for more activities and can be picked up at 11 PM. Please sign up at the Info Center or in your Sunday School class by March 9.

Bethel Choir

The Bethel Choirs will join us on Sunday morning, March 16, during our morning worship service. A love offering will be taken for Bethel's Music Department.

Hymn Sing

Plan to join us for our 5th Sunday Hymn Sing on Sunday, March 30 at 6:00 PM. Refreshments will follow afterwards.

Women of Worth - Sound of Music

Our Women of Worth group (for working women or those with children still at home) will be heading to Bethel University’s production of “The Sound of Music” on Saturday, March 29 at 1 PM. We will be buying discounted group tickets in advance, so please sign up at this link by March 16. Tickets will be $10 on the day of the show.


Ladies Bible Study

This group meets at the church from 12:30—2:30 PM on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.


Food Pantry

The Food Pantry at Gospel Center aims to serve our River Park community, as well as our church family. If you or someone you know is need of food assistance, our pantry distributes food on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 10-11 AM. Please contact the church office on the Tuesday prior to distribution days to have your household added to the list.


Small Groups

The Christian life isn’t mean to be lived alone. God has given us brothers and sisters in Christ to walk alongside us and help us grow in our faith. This fall, if you’re not part of a small group, we’d love to help you belong! Just use a Connect Card and let us know!

Upcoming Events to Mark On Your Calendar:

April 18 - Good Friday Service (6:30pm)

April 20 - Resurrection Sunday, Easter Breakfast

June 22-26 - Vacation Bible School

Inclement Weather

Tis the season for winter weather that may potentially affect us from being able to hold services or activities. In the event htat we need to cancel church due to the weather, we will broadcast our closure on WNDU16 and WSBT22 TV stations. According to our church policy, midweek activities will be cancelled if South Bend schools are cancelled. As always, use personal discretion when choosing to travel during winter weather.






Spring Church Work Day

Join us as we beautify the church building and grounds on Saturday, April 5. Several project are in need of completion. The day will begin at 8:00 AM with donuts and end approximately at noon. Sign up at the Info Center.

Food Pantry

Our food pantry is looking to stock our shelves. Items that are especially needed right now are: canned soups, pancake mix, canned chicken/tuna, boxed pasta, pasta sides, and canned or boxed potatoes. Items can be dropped off in the donation bin in the foyer or to the church office during office hours. Please do not donate outdated items.


Soup Ministry

The Soup Ministry to our shut-ins will take place on Feb 5 and 19, and March 5 and 19. Sign up at the Info Center if you would be willing to make, package, or deliver soup.


#ForRiverPark & Nuner School

Gospel Center is #ForRiverPark, our local neighborhood. Nuner Elementary is our local school. They are in need of volunteers to help for 1-1/2 hours for 1 day a week. This could include classroom help, lunch table mentors, or men’s mentors. Information and background check forms are available at the Info Center.


Basketball Ministry Needs

The River Park Basketball Ministry is off to a great start! The 4th –12th graders meet on Sundays right after the service. Would you be willing to supply the lunch for 15-20 boys? Sign up at the Info Center or write “Basketball Lunch” on a Connect Card to receive more info.


#ForRiverPark Community Outreach Team

Would you like to be a part of blessing our community? If you would like more info about our Community Outreach Team, #ForRiverPark, fill out a Connect Card and write "ForRiverPark" and let us know! 


Sermon Intercessors

Prayer calls upon God to open hearts and minds of people to His Word as it is preached. Prayer calls upon God to fill the preacher with wisdom and power to declare the Word of God with boldness, clarity, and grace. We would like to have two people every Sunday in the prayer room during the sermon. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please fill out a Connect Card and write “Sermon Intercessor” on it.


Ways to Give Financially

Besides the offering taken during the morning service, there are four easy ways to give a financial donation. You can give in our church offering box located on the wall outside the sanctuary doors, online at our church website, mail it into our church office, or by texting your donation amount to 574-281-4998.